Host ASP.Net on Linux server & cheap power of 2

Host ASP.Net on Linux server & cheap power of 2

Host ASP.Net on Linux server & get the power of both and touch the difference. Special offer full year for $15 with FREE DOMAIN.

Host ASP.NET on Stable Linux with Apache server

Hosting core application on Linux

Linux is a free distribution of Unix-type operating systems. Under Linux, the web server can run faster.


Firstly, APS.NET is a web application framework from Microsoft for building dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. ASP.NET is running on Linux with Apache. It supports ASP.NET 5.0

However, It depends on .NET technologies called Mono. The Mono Project provides is an Apache module for running ASP.NET websites.


Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language. We can use it for many kinds of software development. It offers powerful support for integration with other languages and tools. It comes with extensive standard libraries.

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MySQL Databases is if you Host ASP.NET on Linux

MySQL Database is a multi-user SQL database. It supports languages such as ASP, C#, C++, Java, PHP, Perl, Python, etc.

You can use PHP when Host ASP.NET on Linux

On the other hand, PHP is a widely used web development scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. Currently, 80% of all dynamic web pages are developed on PHP. Surely you can use PHP when you host ASP.NET on Linux

Custom php.ini

php.ini is the configuration file of the PHP interpreter. By editing the php.ini file you can customize the PHP configuration of your web hosting account.

IronCube & Zend Optimizer

It protects PHP programming language, prevents viewed of source code, changes, and runs on unlicensed computers.

Perl, CGI

On the other hand, Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Perl is one of the most common CGI scripting languages.

Lots of Perl Modules

In fact, A Perl Module is a discrete component of software for the Perl programming language. Lots of Perl modules are available.


Finally, Ruby is a dynamic programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It combines and supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, imperative, and reflection. Also, it has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It is similar in varying respects to Python, Perl, etc.

Get your hosting

Host ASP.Net on Linux server & get the power of both

Useful links:

PHP Contact Us Script runs without modification


host asp net core on Linux, Linux, how to run on Linux, host core on Linux with apache, can I run core on Linux?
